Apple TV+ Offer: $0.00/month for six months

  • Updated

Offer ends 01/24/25 and may be withdrawn or canceled at any time. Restrictions apply. Available to new Apple TV+ subscribers through Xumo only. Subscribe to Apple TV+ for $0.00 per month for 6 months. After 6-month promotional period, regular rates apply, currently $9.99 per month. Plan automatically renews monthly until canceled. Cancel anytime, including during the promotional period, at at least a day before each renewal date. If canceled before a renewal, access to Apple TV+ will continue until the next billing period. Pricing subject to change. Taxes and fees extra. Live content contains ads. Sports has select games, blackouts & US territory limitations. See To access Apple TV+ content user must create an Apple account.

For customers in Washington D.C.: Plan will not automatically renew after the promotional period. Users must resubscribe to continue service after the six-month promotional period.

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