For Xumo Stream Box
If you purchased a Xumo Stream Box through a third party, including Spectrum, Xfinity, and other partners, please refer to that retailer for their return policy.
You may return your Xumo Stream Box or accessary purchased online at within 30 days from the date of the original sale. The Xumo Stream Box or accessory must be returned in the like-new and resalable condition, unused, with all components, parts, manuals, and packaging that came with it. The return process may require proof of purchase. This return policy only applies to Xumo Stream Boxes and accessories purchased on the Xumo website.
To begin a return, click here.
For Xumo TV
Xumo TV purchases are subject to the return policy of the TV manufacturer and/or the retail store where the purchase was made. To request a return of a Xumo TV, please refer to the original retailer for their return policy.